
  • 服务器: 阿里云轻量应用服务器
  • 系统: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-90-generic x86_64)
  • 配置:
    • vCPU: 2核
    • 内存: 2GB
    • ESSD: 60GB


1. 下载 (至同一目录) 并解压

  • Nginx

    选择 Stable version

  • nginx-http-flv-module

    git clone https://github.com/winshining/nginx-http-flv-module.git

  • OpenSSL

    git clone https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git

  • PCRE

    注意: 不是pcre2

2. 安装与配置 (进入对应文件夹)

​ a. 安装PCRE

​ ./configure

​ b. 安装OpenSSL

​ ./Configure --prefix=/usr/local/ssl --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl '-Wl,-rpath,$(LIBRPATH)'

​ c. 安装Nginx

​ ./configure --add-module=../nginx-http-flv-module --with-pcre=../pcre-8.45 --with-openssl=../openssl --with-http_ssl_module

3. nginx.conf示例

rtmp {

    server {

        listen 1935;

        chunk_size 4000;

        # TV mode: one publisher, many subscribers
        application mytv {

            # enable live streaming
            live on;

            # record first 1K of stream
            record all;
            record_path /tmp/av;
            record_max_size 1K;

            # append current timestamp to each flv
            record_unique on;

            # publish only from localhost
            allow publish;
            deny publish all;

            #allow play all;

        # Transcoding (ffmpeg needed)
        application big {
            live on;

            # On every pusblished stream run this command (ffmpeg)
            # with substitutions: $app/${app}, $name/${name} for application & stream name.
            # This ffmpeg call receives stream from this application &
            # reduces the resolution down to 32x32. The stream is the published to
            # 'small' application (see below) under the same name.
            # ffmpeg can do anything with the stream like video/audio
            # transcoding, resizing, altering container/codec params etc
            # Multiple exec lines can be specified.

            exec ffmpeg -re -i rtmp://localhost:1935/$app/$name -vcodec flv -acodec copy -s 32x32
                        -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/small/${name};

        application small {
            live on;
            # Video with reduced resolution comes here from ffmpeg

        application webcam {
            live on;

            # Stream from local webcam
            exec_static ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -c:v libx264 -an
                               -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/webcam/mystream;

        application mypush {
            live on;

            # Every stream published here
            # is automatically pushed to
            # these two machines
            push rtmp1.example.com;
            push rtmp2.example.com:1934;

        application mypull {
            live on;

            # Pull all streams from remote machine
            # and play locally
            pull rtmp://rtmp3.example.com pageUrl=www.example.com/index.html;

        application mystaticpull {
            live on;

            # Static pull is started at nginx start
            pull rtmp://rtmp4.example.com pageUrl=www.example.com/index.html name=mystream static;

        # video on demand
        application vod {
            play /var/flvs;

        application vod2 {
            play /var/mp4s;

        # Many publishers, many subscribers
        # no checks, no recording
        application videochat {

            live on;

            # The following notifications receive all
            # the session variables as well as
            # particular call arguments in HTTP POST
            # request

            # Make HTTP request & use HTTP retcode
            # to decide whether to allow publishing
            # from this connection or not
            on_publish http://localhost:8080/publish;

            # Same with playing
            on_play http://localhost:8080/play;

            # Publish/play end (repeats on disconnect)
            on_done http://localhost:8080/done;

            # All above mentioned notifications receive
            # standard connect() arguments as well as
            # play/publish ones. If any arguments are sent
            # with GET-style syntax to play & publish
            # these are also included.
            # Example URL:
            #   rtmp://localhost/myapp/mystream?a=b&c=d

            # record 10 video keyframes (no audio) every 2 minutes
            record keyframes;
            record_path /tmp/vc;
            record_max_frames 10;
            record_interval 2m;

            # Async notify about an flv recorded
            on_record_done http://localhost:8080/record_done;


        # HLS

        # For HLS to work please create a directory in tmpfs (/tmp/hls here)
        # for the fragments. The directory contents is served via HTTP (see
        # http{} section in config)
        # Incoming stream must be in H264/AAC. For iPhones use baseline H264
        # profile (see ffmpeg example).
        # This example creates RTMP stream from movie ready for HLS:
        # ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -re -i movie.avi  -vcodec libx264
        #    -vprofile baseline -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ac 1
        #    -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/hls/movie
        # If you need to transcode live stream use 'exec' feature.
        application hls {
            live on;
            hls on;
            hls_path /tmp/hls;

        # MPEG-DASH is similar to HLS

        application dash {
            live on;
            dash on;
            dash_path /tmp/dash;

# HTTP can be used for accessing RTMP stats
http {

    server {

        listen      8080;

        # This URL provides RTMP statistics in XML
        location /stat {
            rtmp_stat all;

            # Use this stylesheet to view XML as web page
            # in browser
            rtmp_stat_stylesheet stat.xsl;

        location /stat.xsl {
            # XML stylesheet to view RTMP stats.
            # Copy stat.xsl wherever you want
            # and put the full directory path here
            root /path/to/stat.xsl/;

        location /hls {
            # Serve HLS fragments
            types {
                application/vnd.apple.mpegurl m3u8;
                video/mp2t ts;
            root /tmp;
            add_header Cache-Control no-cache;

        location /dash {
            # Serve DASH fragments
            root /tmp;
            add_header Cache-Control no-cache;
